Discussions – Making Bondi awesome – Bondi Innovation

What initiatives could make a difference in supporting Bondi innovation?

  • What initiatives could make a difference in supporting Bondi innovation?

  • Ross Dawson

    7 September, 2020 at 10:12 am

    Anything going on now? Any ideas? What might be worth doing together? Grinning

  • Darryl Thoms

    7 September, 2020 at 9:03 pm

    A subsidised space for innovators – ideally with the renewed interest in local manufacturing – hardware makers / hacker space – with the capability to produce printed circuits, proper/ fast 3d printing for prototyping, workshops etc. like NoiseBridge in SF.

    NoiseBridge is next level – and there is nothing like this in Sydney. Even in Nairobi there are better hardware hacker spaces than in all of Australia.

    • Ross Dawson

      7 September, 2020 at 9:57 pm

      That would be totally awesome.

      The long term plan is to get an ‘innovation precinct’ in BJ, but that will take years.

      We might be able to get a maker space in The Boot Factory when that opens, so let’s work on that.

      Subsidised – that would presumably be by either Waverley, NSW, or potentially Federal govt, if we build a bit of a plan then we can start to take it to the powers-that-be… Grinning

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0 of 0 posts June 2018

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